Sunday, March 9, 2008

Realm of All Possibilities

Transcending negative or limiting beliefs is truly an uplifting spiritual journey. One way to do this is to let go of limiting beliefs. If I can expand my consciousness past limiting beliefs I will open myself up to the creative power of the Universe.

A powerful belief is “all things are possible”. If I hold this belief with a view to creating the reality that I desire I realize that I am not limited but can achieve practically anything.

By having this belief, I open my mind to the “realm of all possibilities”. I direct my creative energies to the areas of my life I wish to enhance or circumstances I would like to bring about. If I realize that all things are possible then I will let go of limiting thoughts and put my trust and faith in the Universe to bring it about.

If I hold limiting thoughts then I undermine or weaken this powerful belief. It is truly those who have held this belief who have pushed the envelope and have accomplished amazing things. I can imagine 150 years ago most people believed that man could not fly like the birds. Yet some individuals who believed this was possible created a machine that could carry man into the sky. Even further, it is not hard to imagine that the technology that we use today could not have been conceived as possible 200 years ago by most people. Yet someone must have believed that it was possible and took the first step.

When I enter into the realm of “all possibilities”, I quietly sit and focus on what I want to create in my life. I let go of questions of how it will be brought about, I just quietly know that it is possible and believe in its outcome. I imagine the circumstances I wish to create as already happening, for in the realm of “all possibilities” it is already in existence.

“…all things are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23)


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