Sunday, March 23, 2008

Unplugging from Technology

Modern technology has transformed our lives and society at an astounding pace in recent times. We are digitally connected and wired like never before which is bringing the world closer together as a global community. This has been good. However, in our day to day lives we can get completely absorbed by technology. This has not been so good.

There is some recent discussion on the Internet about simplifying life by taking a break from technology. We are so wired today with cell phones, computers, PDAS, MP3 players and we can also be absorbed by online activities. It can be hard to imagine life without these electronic distractions.

There are some who are advocating or at least trying to take a break from technology. Techno-addict Mark Bittman documents in his New York Times article that he has been experimenting with the “Secular Sabbath” as it is called where he unplugs from technology for 24 hours once a week. He found by doing this he had a sense of calm and felt a connection to himself rather than to the computer. Unplugging from technology doesn’t have to be forever but at least for a set period of time maybe for one hour each day or possibly one day a week. Setting aside this time creates space and this space (if we allow it to be) will expand inside us. So when we unplug from technology it is important to not fill that space with other distractions. Let that space be and its stillness will grow inside of us and create room for us to just be.

It is interesting that people are finding that in this silence they come in touch with their creative self and also find the source of inner peace. It is important for us to find stillness in our busy lives. Technology can enhance our lives but it can also consume our lives and create a cluttered life.

Try unplugging from technology once in a while. Set aside some time each week to be free from the distractions of technology and experience the stillness of just being. I have tried this by turning off the TV and other electronic devices. I find that in stillness I come closer to the creative source of my being. I also experience “expanding time” where time seems to enlarge.



Mark Bittman

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Realm of All Possibilities

Transcending negative or limiting beliefs is truly an uplifting spiritual journey. One way to do this is to let go of limiting beliefs. If I can expand my consciousness past limiting beliefs I will open myself up to the creative power of the Universe.

A powerful belief is “all things are possible”. If I hold this belief with a view to creating the reality that I desire I realize that I am not limited but can achieve practically anything.

By having this belief, I open my mind to the “realm of all possibilities”. I direct my creative energies to the areas of my life I wish to enhance or circumstances I would like to bring about. If I realize that all things are possible then I will let go of limiting thoughts and put my trust and faith in the Universe to bring it about.

If I hold limiting thoughts then I undermine or weaken this powerful belief. It is truly those who have held this belief who have pushed the envelope and have accomplished amazing things. I can imagine 150 years ago most people believed that man could not fly like the birds. Yet some individuals who believed this was possible created a machine that could carry man into the sky. Even further, it is not hard to imagine that the technology that we use today could not have been conceived as possible 200 years ago by most people. Yet someone must have believed that it was possible and took the first step.

When I enter into the realm of “all possibilities”, I quietly sit and focus on what I want to create in my life. I let go of questions of how it will be brought about, I just quietly know that it is possible and believe in its outcome. I imagine the circumstances I wish to create as already happening, for in the realm of “all possibilities” it is already in existence.

“…all things are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23)


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Conscious Creating

Creating our reality by focusing on positive thoughts and beliefs

We are spiritual beings with the ability to create our lives. We all work with the universal laws to each create our individual reality and collectively we all play a part in creating the world experience. It is through our beliefs, thoughts and actions that we create our lives. It is fundamental that our beliefs and thoughts must align with what we consciously would like to create.

There has been much discussion lately about the law of attraction which is basically about drawing things, circumstances or experiences into our lives. These can be positive, negative or neutral for us. What we want to do is draw those things, experiences and circumstances that are the most positive for us and what we really want.

Can we do more than this? We believe that the law of attraction is one aspect of the universal law. We are creative beings and we are creating our lives at every moment. How do we do this?

The law of attraction is fuelled by what we believe. Our fundamental beliefs come from our inner self which is responsible for attracting our experiences and creating our reality. If we can change our beliefs we can change our experience. On one level there is the law of attraction and on a deeper and more profound level it is our entire thoughts and beliefs which form every aspect of our daily reality.

If our beliefs and thoughts are negative then the experiences that we attract will be largely negative. We may be focusing on a positive experience and it has not manifested, if it is at odds with one of our fundamental beliefs then that desired positive experience cannot manifest. The same would be true for the occasional negative thought, if it is at odds with a fundamental belief it will not manifest. So there really is no need to fear when a negative thought drifts in. The idea is to be mindful of all of our thoughts and let both negative and positive thoughts float in. If we are truly mindful we will not attach ourselves to these thoughts but view them as part of our every day experience.

When we are consciously creating we should allow the thoughts that are related to what we are creating to come into our consciousness. We should gently focus on these thoughts, without attaching too much to them. Be mindful that this is what you want to create use imagination to experience it as if it were already in existence. Then let it go. This process should be repeated daily or at least frequently.

We should also examine our fundamental beliefs to see if they are at odds with what we really want in life. Beliefs can always be changed. If they are negative they can be changed into positive beliefs. Some beliefs may not be so easy to access and we may not even be aware of them. Careful soul searching and asking the inner self the right questions can reveal some hidden beliefs. Undesired results in our life are usually attached to some belief that we hold. For example, if someone believes that they are unworthy a whole host of undesirable things may happen from poor health, poverty to poor relationships. This person may even wonder why these undesirable things appear in their lives without realizing it is linked to their belief of unworthiness.

In another example, if you are wondering why you are always not feeling good one question to ask yourself is whether you have a belief in health. If you truly belief that you are healthy then your experience should be one of health.

So how do we change beliefs? One way is being aware of the belief that you want to change and using positive suggestions to create a new belief. Through suggestions, such as I m healthy or I believe that I am healthy will help to root a new belief. Once that new belief takes hold then the experience will be changed.

If you want to be wealthy and have an underlying belief that accumulating money is bad. Then the belief will have to change in order to create more wealth for yourself.

Discovering limiting beliefs can be a bit of a challenge. Some beliefs hide beneath the surface of the conscious and we may not always be aware of them. Some soul searching may be needed to find out what our beliefs are. Writing down our beliefs helps to find other beliefs. The use of a journal is a powerful method in conscious creating. It can help us see what our beliefs are and also help us set out what we want to create.

Documenting what your beliefs are by writing them down helps to see what they are more clearly. You can try crossing out the old belief and replacing it with the new belief that you want. It may not be that simple with old beliefs that have taken root in our inner self especially since childhood. You may need to challenge the belief more. If it is a negative belief such as money is bad then the belief can be challenged by thinking and writing down examples where money is good. By challenging the belief in that way you will slowly come to replacing it with the desired belief e.g., “it is okay to accumulate money”.

With our desired beliefs in place then we can move on to using the law of attraction that is consistent with our beliefs to create the experiences, things and circumstances that we want in our lives.

When we put our desires in writing it is a powerful way of expressing our inner self and in one sense we have already created it through the written word. Write out what you want to create in your life and be specific. Vagueness could result in other undesired results. If you say I want abundance without specifically figuring out what that means to you this may result in abundance in areas you did not really want. With the written word paint the picture of what you really want.

Conscious creating is just that being aware that we have the power to create our lives and using this power to direct our lives in the ways that we want. In order to do this we have to be conscious of our beliefs and thoughts we put out to the universe. Through conscious creating we direct our beliefs and align our thoughts to create the reality that we want.
