Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary.

We often are on autopilot.

We can go through each day not really aware of our surroundings or what is before us. We miss daily inspirations and synchronicities which guide us along our path. We do not have to travel to an exotic location, climb a high mountain or find a beautiful beach in order to find inspiration. Although those locations can be inspirational, the challenge is to find inspiration in our everyday routine.

A lot of people seem to think they need to get away to find peace and inspiration. Definitely, getting away and exploring the world is an excellent way to have personal growth. However, what often occurs upon return from an exhilarating vacation is that we have to settle into our daily routine. This can be downright depressing. Especially returning to the same job or realizing we still have to make changes in our life.

What seems odd is amazing inspiration and inner discovery can occur in our daily routine. I had the experience of a moment of clarity in my ordinary routine. I was running on a treadmill with the TV on. There was no inspiring scenery or peaceful serene landscape. This moment of clarity occurred as a flash but impressed me nevertheless. It is difficult to describe but for a few seconds everything made sense and in this moment all was at peace. As fast as it came to me it left.

To me this was extraordinary because it occurred when I was doing an ordinary activity. It is puzzling at times when I am not looking for inspiration and immersed in a daily activity an extraordinary experience can result.

What I realize is that we have to be open to the present moment and embrace our activities. It is at times when we are detached and in the moment (not worrying about things) that the extraordinary might appear.


1 comment:

Sherry said...

I like this "...the challenge is to find inspiration in our everyday routine." I think of that as being in the present. If we can maintian that awareness we can enjoy the "bliss" we are destined to have. Some describe walking meditation as "breathing and smiling, smiling and breathing." I just wrote a post called "Letting the Day Come to You" on my blog and would love your feedback. Namaste, Sherry
Daily Spiritual Tools