Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Power of Gratitude

A friend of ours recently sent a thank you card to us and to some other friends for support she received during a difficult time. It struck me on reading the thank you that I developed warm positive feeling.

A thank you may appear to be simple and of little consequence. However, if made genuinely from the heart its effects are profound indeed. By being thankful and grateful we are not only expressing this to a few people but to the universe at large. The benefits are outstanding. A thank you releases positive energy not only from the perspective of the person sending the thank you but also the person receiving the thank you shares in this energy.

Let’s look at the effect when we are grateful. The most obvious one is that we feel good. A positive energy grows within and vibrates out from us. When we share our gratitude with another person or to the universe we are allowing this positive energy to spread. This permits the positive energy to be reflected back to us and allows more of what we are grateful for into our lives.

Being thankful silences the negative critical voice that may be present in our heads. This creates space to generate more positive circumstances in our lives. Being positive in our everyday outlook may be a hard thing to do; however, by being grateful for what we have in our lives allows positive energy to grow within us. This will undoubtedly have the effect of improving our day to day outlook and our circumstances.

People who are grateful on a daily basis are truly blessed and have a unique and beautiful perspective.


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