Monday, December 17, 2007

Synchronicities- Just a Coincidence? Not a chance!

Sometimes I hear people say that their life is a mundane daily routine where nothing happens. From that perspective life can seem dull and uninspiring. However, by changing our perceptions we can see so much more. I truly believe that we are all part of something much larger where certain events happen daily that provide us with guidance and meaning. Our seemingly mundane routine can be rife with meaningful events known as synchronicities.

I love synchronicities they warm my heart and I know that I am connected to something larger than the self. The term synchronicity was actually coined by psychologist Carl Jung in describing the strange meaningful "coincidences" that happen to all of us.

A synchronicity is the simultaneous occurrence of related events. Although we like to call these occurrences coincidences they are really not. A coincidence is defined as a series of events in time that appear to be related but have no casual connection. A synchronicity is much more than a mere coincidence it is meaningful to the person who experiences it. They are events that are very much related and provide direction, answers or awe to the person experiencing them.

Unfortunately, we have a tendency to dismiss synchronicities as coincidences or strange occurrences and do not explore the deeper meaning they can hold. If we do explore synchronicities they can be a source of comfort, guidance and spiritual meaning.

Carl Jung likened them to dreams that have symbolic meaning; however, these are synchronistic dreams that we experience in the physical world when we are awake. Some synchronicities are very obvious in their meaning. Others are not so obvious because of the lapse of time between the synchronistic events or because of the subtle nature of them.

Even if I don't understand them they can invoke a feeling of reverence. Still if we are open to receiving them the more that seem to appear. I have found that synchronicities have provided me with guidance and meaning. It is our oneness with the universe and our ability to access our deeper self that is at work. Carl Jung calls this the collective unconscious. I also believe that the law of attraction plays a role in manifesting synchronicities. Our deeper self , our connection to the collective unconscious and our thoughts drive the appearance of synchronicities.

I experienced a synchronicity recently when I went out for a lunchtime walk. I was going about my routine when I saw a familiar person and could not remember his name. I asked myself what is his name but I could not come up with it. I forgot about this and several hours later as I walked past a co-worker's office the person's name was announced by her while she was on the phone. The two events are linked and related. The first event is walking past the familiar person and trying to remember his name. The second event is hearing the person's name several hours later. This synchronicity is meaningful because it answered my question of what the person's name is.

When I look back on things, I have noticed that when something significant is going to happen in my life a synchronicity was there as a guidepost or as way of providing answers. Chance meetings and encounters have led to jobs that I have enjoyed. Answers to seemingly impossible questions have appeared in the pages of a book I have randomly opened. There are endless possibilities on how synchronicities manifest; however, they never cease to amaze me.

When we ask our deeper self questions the answers can appear as synchronicities. So pay attention to these events and ask your deeper self to help you recognize them. I believe that they can be used as signposts guiding and directing us on our paths in life. Even if we do not recognize their deeper meaning they can invoke a feeling of connection to a larger whole: our oneness with the universe.

If your interested in reading more about synchronicities a couple of books I found very good and from two different perspectives are:

The Tao of Psychology, Synchronicity and the Self, by Jean Shinoda Bolen.

When God Winks, How the Power of Coincidence Guides Your Life, by Squire Rushnell.


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